Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where's the Beef?

Click on the video below to have a great 80s flashback:

Anyone who lived in the 80s remembers Wendy's "Where's the Beef?" commericals. Wendy's implied in these commercials that the competition was cheating you by selling tiny burgers on a "big fluffy bun". Lately, my spiritual life has looked a lot like the competitor's burger- a tiny shriveled hamburger on a great big bun with a lot of fluff and not much meat. I have really gotten tired of eating these small burgers on a tasteless bun. I settled and ate these burgers for so long that I lost my appetite. Why have I been settling? I found my answer in Hebrews 5:

Hebrews 5:13-14 KJV- For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

In this passage, the writer of Hebrews is warning the people because they have not grown in their faith. He tells them that by this time you should be teachers but you are still infants drinking milk. I like the NASB translation of verse 14:

Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

That explains it! The reason that I have been settling for tiny burgers filled with all kinds of disgusting fillers is that I have not been training myself in CONSTANT USE of the Word. My Bible study has been very hit and miss for the last year. No consistency. I had lost my appetite for the Word. Thankfully in a Ladies Bible Study a few weeks ago, our teacher said that if you have lost your desire for the Word, go back to the basics and ask Him for a desire for His Word. I did and he really answered that prayer by leading me to a wonderful Bible study tool at Through this website you can read through the Bible, view passages in different version, save notes on verses and access Bible commentaries on each verse. This website has allowed me to really dig deep into the meat of the Bible. My appetite is back!

How about you? Are you tired of buying the competition's small scrawny burger? Is your Christian life mostly a big empty fluffy bun? I want to challenge you to join with me in an "eating challenge"(sure beats a fitness challenge). Join with me in answering the question "Where's the Beef?". Let go on a search of the real deal- 100% pure meat of God's word.

As with any challenge, you need accountability. Since this is my first time to blog, I need some blogging friends that will join with me and hold me accountible. If you are not currently reading your Bible consistently, please join with me in reading through the bible in a year. I love the idea of a group of people reading through a Bible passage and sharing the "meaty bites" that God is speaking to you. Even if you are doing a different daily Bible study, please comment to this site and give others insight and encouragement into your search for "Where's the "Beef?".

Here's the info for Crosswalk:
Select Resource (left of page, 2nd column)
Bible Study Tools
Create an Account Now (left of page)
Under "My Preference", select start date of January 1
Reading Plan Option- Half Old Testament/Half New Testament
Then everyday, log in and select the "Bible in a Year" tab from the top of your page

Here's the reading plan for the rest of September:

271 Sep 27 Isaiah 13-15; Galatians 6
272 Sep 28 Isaiah 16-18; Ephesians 1
273 Sep 29 Isaiah 19-21; Ephesians 2
274 Sep 30 Isaiah 22-23; Ephesians 3


DeeDee said...

Welcome to the world of blogging...

Look forward to reading about your journeys.

Sweet Blessings My Friend

Tricia said...

Hey Kelly!
I am so excited you are blogging! And I love the mission of your blog.. to dig into the meat of God's Word!

Can't wait to read all about what you are discovering!
